

2016-03-24    04'25''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,622个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Crime rate soaring to an all- Time high.Virtual gridlock on capital - Tax and spend.Big government fear mongering. Deregulation...Filing for bankruptcy protection.Stock market takes a beating,announced a new round of layoffs.Unprecedented deficit is crippling the economy.We all need to tighten our belts.Riots breaking out in major cities.our civil liberties are being trampled. Housing market continues its decline.Rapid inflation affecting global markets.severe economic downturn may be, quote, "irreversible." Declare a state of emergency.Mobilizing armed troops.Today imposed martial law.- Death toll now stands at 87.Lex luthor&`&s attempt...to win the presidency the old- Fashioned way...by buying it, seems to be picking up steam. New polls show that 22 percent of americans...now support his third- Party bid.In a completely unrelated story...twenty- Two percent of americans indicate a preference...tough times require a tough man.And the tougher times get...the more the voters will realize they need me in the oval office. And not the least of the problems we face...is that of aliens and so- Called superheroes who act on their own as judge, jury, and often, executioner.No one is above the law.I learned that for myself many years ago. And now this principle will be the driving force of my presidency.I have already taken steps to bring some of these superhumans into the service of our government where their unique powers will be utilized for the benefit of all americans.They are captain atom, black lightning, power girl,katana, and major force.I hope that in the months to come, many more will voluntarily make the choice they&`&ve made. And if they don&`&t, they will find that they are not as far above the law as they think. 犯罪率高居不下.首都交通全面堵塞 -税收和支出。政府...忧虑贸易,撤销管制规定...破产保护盛行。股票市场遭到重挫,开始新一轮裁员。空前的财政赤字拖垮经济,人民勒紧腰带生活。主要城市爆发骚乱。公民自由遭到践踏。房产交易持续下滑。急剧的通货膨胀影响国际市场。经济严重衰退 也许"不可逆转"了。宣布进入紧急状态,调动武装军队。今天开始实施戒严 -死亡人数上升到87人。莱克斯·卢瑟试图 以老式的权钱交易获胜。总统选举进入白热化。新的民意调查显示:22%的美国人现支持他的第三方竞投。在另一调查中,22%的美国人表示艰难时刻需要强硬的政治家。随着形势日渐严峻,更多选民将希望我入主白宫。(莱克斯·卢瑟当选总统)。我们还面临着最大的问题是异常人。这种所谓的超级英雄同时扮演法官,陪审团和死刑执行官。多年前我就意识到无人可凌驾法律之上。现在此信念成为我执政领导的动力。我已采取行动,邀请部分超人加入政府部门,用他们独特的力量为美国人的利益服务。他们是原子人队长,黑闪,力量女神,武士刀和大力神。 希望下个月更多超人自愿加入他们的行列。如果超人们不愿意, 那就大大僭越法律之上了。