

2016-04-06    04'21''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,624个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! I want to take a moment to address situation that has became a taking point in the community in past weekends, especially on Facebook, that centers around m. On Friday I received the following email from a cross man with the subject line “community responsibility” . And the reads as follows: 我想花几分钟谈谈这礼拜以来,我成为众人讨论的话题。尤其是脸书上,我俨然成为目光的焦点。上周五我收到一封主旨为社会责任的来信。内容是这样的: It's unusual that I see your morning show, but I did so for a very short time today. I was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn’t improved for so many years. Surely you don’t consider yourself a suitable example for this community’s young people, girls in particular. Obesity is one of worst choice as a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain. I leave you this note hoping that you will reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy life style. 詹妮弗你好,我不常看你的节目,但我今天看了一小段,我很惊讶这几年你的身体状况完全没有改变,很明显的你不把自己当成时下年轻人——尤其是女孩子的榜样,任何人都不该放任自己肥胖,肥胖更会严重影响健康,希望我的一番话能让你反思身为公众人物的责任,你应该带头提倡健康的生活方式。 Now those of us in the media, we get heavy dose of critics from our viewers surround the year. We realize it came out with a job in public eye. But this email was more than that. While I tried my best to laugh off the very hurtful attack on my appearance. My colleagues could not do the same thing, especially my husband, our six and eight anchor, Mike Thomson. Mike posted this email on his WKVB Facebook Page. What happened next? Husband truly inspiring. Hundreds and hundreds of people have take a time out of day not only inspire my spirits, but take a stand that attacks like this are not okay. 身为媒体人物的我们,时常受到观众的指教与批评,我们也知道这种事在所难免,但这封信实在是有点过了,对于这种身材的玩笑,我原本想一笑置之,但我的同事无法做到,尤其是我先生,麦克汤玛森,是我们六点到八点的主播,麦克把这封信,贴在他的官方脸书上,结果呢?很多人受到启发,数以千计的留言,不但安慰了我,也告诉大家,这样伤害是不对的。 Now we are gonna have more just few seconds. But of course, the truth is, I am overweight. You can call me fat - and yes, even obese on a doctor's chart. But to the person who wrote me that letter, do you think I don't know that? That your cruel words are pointing out something that I don't see? 请再给我几分钟,没错,我是过重,你可以说我胖,也可以用医生惯用的过度肥胖来形容我,但写这封信的人,你以为我不知道自己的身材吗?你以为我需要你那几句刻薄的话,来点出这件事吗? You don't know me. You are not a friend of mine. You are not a part of my family, and you have admitted you don't watch this show. So You know nothing about me but what you see on the outside, and I am much more than a number on a scale. And here is where I want everyone of us to learn something from this. If you didn’t already know, October is national anti-bullying month. And this is a problem that is growing everyday in our school and on our internet. It is a major issue in our lives that our young people and as a mother of three young girls. It scared me to death. Now I am grown woman, and lucky for me, I have a very thick skin. Literally as that email pointed out otherwise. 你不认识我,也不是我的朋友,更不是我的家人,你自己也说你不看我的节目,除了外表,你对我一无所知,不要只把我看作一个穿大尽码衣服的人,借此机会我想告诉大家一件事,可能有人还不知道,十月是全国反霸凌月,霸凌现象在校园及网络上,越来越重,这是当下年轻人,都面临到的大问题,身为三个小女孩的母亲,我感到非常忧心。我是名成熟女性,很幸运的是我脸皮也很厚,就像那封信所说的,只是我换个角度解读。 That man’s word means nothing to me, but really angers me about this is is there are children who don’t know better - who get emails as critical as the one I received, or in many cases even worse, each and every day. The internet has become a weapon and our school has became a battle ground. This behavior is learned. It is passed down from people like the man who wrote me that email. 那个人的话对我毫无影响。我真正在意的是,有些容易受到他人语言影响的孩子,每天都会收到和这封一样,甚至更恶毒的批评,网络变成武器,学校成了战场,因为社会上存在着,象写这封信给我的人,所以小孩跟着有样学样。 'If you are at home and you are talking about the fat news lady, guess what? Your children are probably going to go to school and call someone fat.' we need to teach our kids how to be kind, not critical. And we need to do that by example. So many of you have came to defense me in the past four days. I am literally overwhelmed by your words. To my colleagues and my friends from day and from years ago. My family , my amazing husband and so many of you that I will probably never have the opportunity to meet. I will never be able to thank you enough for your words that support. And for taking a stand against this bully, we are better than that email. We are better than the bully that tries to take us down. And I leave you with this: to all of the children out there who feel lost, who are struggling which your weight, which your color of your skin, your sexual priority, your disability, even the acne on your face, listen to me right now, do not let yourself worth be defined by bullies. Learn from my experience that the cruel words of one are nothing compared with the shouts of many. We would be right back. 如果你也在家里谈论那个胖子女主播,你知道吗?你的小孩也很有可能去学校骂别人是胖子,我们必须教孩子如何以善待人,而不是伤害别人,我们得以身作则。过去四天, 好多人挺身而出替我说话。你们的一字一句深深感动了我。 一路上的同事和朋友,我的家人,我亲爱的老公,还有一些我无缘见到的人,非常感谢你们的支持。 对于这种恶霸,他们的恶毒不足以影响我们。 他们无法击倒我们,因为我们更强壮。最后我想对感到彷徨的孩子说,不管你为了体重,肤色,你的性向或者生理缺陷,甚至脸上的痘痘所苦,听我说,别让欺凌者决定你的价值。 希望你们从我的经验中学到,更众人的鼓励相比,他人无情的言语攻击不必放在心上。稍后回来。