

2016-04-13    02'59''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,624个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! [Iron Man] The Masters of Evil are running loose again, Hawkeye. Where are you?- [Hawkeye] Friday! [Friday] It's not my fault, Hawkeye. You said to hold all calls and, I quote "Unless the world is coming to an end, leave me alone." "Why are you so late, Hawkeye?" "Oh, because I was locked in the lab building arrows,and our AI takes everything literally." Should I not be taking you literally? Friday, send a message to Iron Man. Tell him I'm on my way. [Iron Man] Now, what did my wall ever do to you? - The Avengers? Here? - Yep. Your Masters of Evil interrupted Cap's movie night. For the record, Iron Man, that movie was just a documentary about you. I know. Wasn't I great? [Moonstone] This way! What are we doing? Stick with the plan. [supersonic scream] What is this place? One of my low-level hardware R&D labs. I don't want Moonstone, Fixer, and Goliath stomping around inside it. Hulk, Falcon, with me. [Hulk] Forgot to say "please." Beetle, Screaming Mimi, you two are going to surrender,if you have any sense. Surrender? As if! [supersonic scream] I do not care for her tone. Sorry I'm so fashionably late. What'd I miss? Uh-oh. [supersonic scream] I got this! [Grunts] [mechanical humming] [normal screaming] [grunts] [humming continues] [grunts] Yeah, experimental phased-frequency arrow, with noise canceling. [all grunt] Aah! I said "experimental," right? I didn't say anything. Yeah, but you were thinking it. You have no idea what you're up against, Falcon. Sure, I do, Fixer. That was a stud welder arm. [yells] Now it's a gotcha machine. [crying out] Gotcha! - You need to watch where you're going. - Oh, do I? Whoa! Yes, you do. Aahh! [grunting] [grunts]