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Think you're so big?
[grunts] [grunts]
Widow taught me that.
Come on, Iron Man. You really
need to call all of us in
just to handle the twerps of evil?
I like to share the fun. So sue me.
Aah! You're not gonna beat us again.
[Hulk groans]
I'm gonna crush me some Avengers!
The whole building's coming down!
[Hulk grunts]
I got this!
Beat it, Beetle!
[cries out]
Screaming Mimi, Moonstone... Ladies, this has already been a bad day.
Let's not make it any worse for you.
[muffled] Mm... Ugh...
Gotta say, with all your power,
you Masters of Evil oughta be harder to take down.
That's what I keep trying to tell them, but no one ever listens!
You do not! You never say that!
Will you stop talking for once? Please, just stop.
Hey, you don't talk to Screaming Mi...
W-What the heck was that? An explosion?
No. The tau-neutrino energy residue shows they teleported.
Screaming Mimi like that...
What just happened?
You have been rescued...by a friend.
My name is Baron Zemo.
Zemo? My grandfather told war stories
about a Baron Zemowho fought Captain America.
That was my father.
I share with him a name and a pure hatred for Captain America.
I share with you a hate for the Avengers.
And I offer you Masters of Evil a way to eliminate them.
Sure. Then unicorns will fall from the sky.
- I don't got time for this.- We're listening.
Good. Let's begin with making you much more powerful.
[Falcon] Using the tau-neutrinos, we backtraced the source of the tele portation signal to Brazil.
Now we know exactly where the Masters of Evil are.
We should probably pay them a little visit.
[Hawkeye] Eh, you go on without me. I'm in the middle of something, and I need lab time.
It's just the hysterically named Masters of Evil.
You don't need me on this.
Go. You guys got this. I'm just gonna stay and finish up.
Hey, Friday, I'll be in the lab for the rest of the day. Do not disturb.
And if the world is coming to an end?