

2016-04-24    01'54''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,624个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! I could never had imagined what I would achieve through football. 我永远都无法想象我在足球方面能取得多大的成就。 I owe my life everything I have to football. My life in football began with my granddad, Joe, who took me to my first game. He was a huge Tottenham Hotspur fan. I remember how proud he was when I got to train at the center excellence. I also remember how excited we both were when I got to train at Bobby Charlton Soccer School. I also remember how excited we both were because we got to meet the Great Man. 足球是我生命的所有。我的足球生涯是由我的祖父乔开启的,他带着我参加了我人生中第一场足球比赛。我的祖父是托特纳姆热刺队的一个铁杆球迷。我记得当我在训练中获得成绩是他是多么为我自豪。我也记得当获悉我能够进入博比查尔顿足球学院接受训练时我们有多么兴奋。我还记得当见到博比先生这位足球界内的大人物时我们是多么兴奋。 Of course Sir Bobby was there when I signed with Manchester United, he was there when I won the Champion's League, when I won the Africa Cup, when I won the Primier League. He was also there the day of Scott in the time of free kick. 我和曼彻斯特联队签约的时候,博比先生在场。我获得欧洲冠军杯的时候,赢得非洲杯的时候,获得英超联赛冠军的时候,博比先生都在场。见证苏格兰人任意球的时刻,博比先生也在场。 Extra accident of our traffic to the England of 2002 World Cup, and of course Sir Bobby say today: Over the years, I've been lucky enough to enjoy many of highlights. I've played on every continent and everywhere I've played, I've seen the popularity of English football. I am proud to being part of the success that English football as enjoyed over the past twenty years. 英格兰队2002年世界杯上意外的事故,当然正如博比先生当初说的那样:几年后,我已经足够幸运能够拥有许多的知名度,我已经在各个大洲踢过球,我已经走遍任何我能够踢球的地方,我已经见证了英式足球在全球的流行度和受欢迎度,我更是非常高兴,能够有幸成为见证过去20年里英式足球获得成功的一员。 When my granddad took me to my first game I could never have imagined that, almost 30 years on. FIFA would invited me to take part in the 2010 World Cup Tour. My granddad would have been so proud to have seen that. Unfortunately the day before I flew out for the draw my granddad died--that was a year ago today. 当我的祖父带我去参加我的第一场足球比赛时,我根本无法想到,30年后的今天我能够受到国际足联的邀请去参加2010世界杯抽签仪式,我想我的祖父会为此感到骄傲的。但是不幸的是,就在我参加完抽签的前一天,我的祖父去世了——正是一年前的今天。 重点讲解: 1. invited sb. to do sth. (正式)邀请,请求,要求某人做某事; eg. Businessmen often invite famous sportsmen to appear in advertisements. 商人们经常请著名的运动员为他们作广告。 eg. I now invite the President to take the floor. 现在请总统讲话。 2. take part in 参加;参与; eg. He will take part in a chess tournament next week. 下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。 eg. He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction. 他宁愿辞职也不愿意参加这样一种欺骗的交易。 3. be proud to do sth. 做某事很骄傲/自豪; eg. I am proud to be given such an opportunity. 我为获得这样的机会而感到骄傲。 eg. The company is proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress. 这家公司以处于科学发展的领先地位而自豪。 背景资料: 北京时间2010年12月2日23时38分(欧洲中部时间16时38分),2018年与2022年世界杯申办投票结果在瑞士苏黎世会展中心揭晓,国际足联主席布拉特打开白色神秘信封,向全世界媒体宣布:俄罗斯赢得2018年世界杯主办权,2022年世界杯举办权则花落卡塔尔。而英格兰在世界杯申办投票中只得到了两票。英格兰申办世界杯的现场陈述阵容可谓强大,威廉王子打头、首相卡梅隆居中、贝克汉姆压轴,其中小贝甚至打出了感人的亲情牌,但现场效果似乎一般。 名人经典: I could never imagined what I would achieve through football. 我永远都无法想象我在足球方面能取得多大的成就。