《Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed》

《Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed》

2017-04-11    06'34''

主播: Ethan妈绘本启蒙

674 12

今天要推荐的这本书是《Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed》。 这本绘本是廖彩杏书单中推荐的一本,情节高度重复只有数字在变化,和《Five Little Ducks》如出一辙,用来做英文启蒙和减法的学习正好。我在《Dr.魏的家庭教育宝典(二)》中也曾经提到过我和Ethan用这本书玩角色扮演的游戏。 首先来看一下这本书的视频。《Five Little Monkeys》系列的儿歌在欧美耳熟能详,很多孩子都是听着这个儿歌长大的,因而有很多的版本。我找到的这一版据说是最地道的,先带孩子看一看☟(这里无法插入视频,需要看视频的亲请移步同名微信公众号:Ethan妈绘本启蒙。) 看完了视频,现在来听一听Ethan妈妈的讲解版本(也就是本音频啦)。 下面是书里的文字内容: It was bedtime. So five little monkeys took a bath. Five little monkeys put on their pajamas. Five little monkeys brushed their teeth. Five little monkeys said good night to their mama. Then...five little monkeys jumped on the bed! One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" So four little monkeys...jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" So three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" So two little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" So one little monkey jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said, "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!" So five little monkeys fell fast asleep. "Thank goodness!" said the mama. "Now I can go to bed!" 每次看到最后我都忍不住笑喷,这个猴子妈妈也太像我了,孩子一睡着就松了一大口气,开心得不行,恨不得在地上打滚庆祝一下。嘿嘿,有没有引起你的共鸣呢? 有了上面的铺垫,就算没有书也可以开始玩啦! 有指偶的话就准备5个指偶,没有的话就直接用手指啦。 一开始:five little monkeys jumped on the bed!(打开5个手指) 接着:one fell off and bumped his head.(弯下1个手指) The mama called the doctor.(妈妈扮演猴子妈妈) The doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed."(宝宝来扮演医生,始终都是这句台词,易于掌握) 所以,剩下4只了:four little monkeys jumped on the bed.(举起剩下的4个手指) 以此类推,到最后5个手指都数完,故事结束了。 最后Ethan妈要唠叨几句(Ethan妈每篇文章最后都要唠叨……),我们有很多妈妈对磨耳朵这个概念理解得不太全面,以为只要天天给孩子听英文童谣英文儿歌就行了,听什么内容不重要,其实不是这样的。最好的磨耳朵的方式是一直磨同样的内容,直到你说上句孩子能答出下句,那才算是磨出来了。 想听更多好听的英文故事以及讲解,请关注同名微信公众号:Ethan妈绘本启蒙。
上一期: 《My Friend Is Sad》
下一期: Mice Are Nice