伊索寓言~The Man and the Lion

伊索寓言~The Man and the Lion

2017-10-26    01'09''

主播: 英语美文励志人生🍕

40 0

A man and a lion traveled together throughthe forest. They soon began to boast of their respective superiority to eachother in strength and prowess. As they were disputing, they passed a statuecarved in stone, which represented “a Lion strangled by a Man.” The traveler pointed to it and said: ”Seethere! How strange we are, and how we prevail over even the king of the beasts.” The Lion replied: ”This statue was made byone of your men. If we Lions knew how to erect statues, you would see the Manplaced under the paw of the Lion. ” One story is good, till another is told.