

2018-01-20    03'44''

主播: 诺 Tayler

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The Story of an FBI Intern/ 在FBI实习的日子 For two and a half months this past summer,senior economics major Joseph Baker interned with the FBI in Washington,D.C.,and yes,it is OK to talk about it. Having interest in government work,Baker found this internship opportunity through his own research. He submitted the application in September of last year along with approximately 3,000 others nationwide. Each of the FBI,s 56 field offices in the United States chose two interns for an interview in Washington,D.C. Baker was one of 40 to be interviewed first at the Philadelphia field office, and from there he was sent to D.C. .He was informed in January of the following year that he was selected,and after a full background check-which included a lie detector and blood test-Baker was a confirmed intern for the FBI. On his first day in June,Baker started working on reports,cost analyses and research.“Nothing too sexy,”Baker said,who dressed in a suit for eight hours a day,five days a week. Instead, his daily work proved to be very practical,tying in well with his economics major. Economics talk aside; the FBI SWAT team also taught Baker how to shoot standard-issue FBI weapons. Another highlight included a trip to the FBI Academy where he witnessed the extreme training aspiring FBI agents must endure. Baker,s interest in the FBI also arose from having two uncles who are currently FBI agents. Through them,Baker saw the rewarding and enjoyable aspects of an intense career as an agent. The job requires a lot of mobility,but because he is young,Baker has no problem with such requirements. After evaluating a successful internship and positive family involvement in this field,Baker decided to change his post-graduate plans. Instead of continuing his education in law school,he wants to return to D.C. to obtain a master,s degree in economics. The FBI pays for continuing studies,and also expects prospective agents to have at least three years of experience doing analytical work before entering the academy. Baker plans on working towards the goal of becoming an agent. “I want to be going to work excited every day,”Baker said.“There are so many things you can do when you,re there.” And lucky for Baker,he has a good shot. The FBI,s goal is to hire every intern. 过去的这个夏天,有两个半月时间,经济学专业大四学生约瑟夫?贝克去了位于华盛顿特区的美国联邦调查局实 习,而且——对,他还可以跟我们说说实习的情况。 因为对政府工作很感兴趣,贝克通过自己的一番研究,找到了这个实习机会。他在去年9月递交了实习申请,与 他一起申请的还有来自全国大约3000名申请人。 FBI在全美共有56个外地办事处,每个办事处选择两名实习生参加华盛顿特区的面试。贝克是首批在费城办事处 参加面试的40人中的一个,而他也正是从该处被派往华盛顿特区的。他是在第二年1月获悉自己被录取的,经过 一个全面的背景调查后(这其中包括测谎和验血),贝克被确定为FBI的实习生。 在6月的首个工作日,贝克就开始处理报告、成本分析和调研方面的工作。“工作也没有想象中的那么酷,”贝 克说,他一周五天,每天8小时都穿着西服。不过,他的日常工作确实非常实用,与他的经济学专业密切相关。 经济学是一方面,FBI特战队还教贝克如何使用常规的FBI武器。 另一个重要内容还包括到FBI学院的一段旅程,在那里贝克见证了壮志满怀的FBI特工必须承受的严酷训练。贝克对FBI充满兴趣是因为他有两位叔叔是现役的FBI特工。贝克通过他们看到了特工这项高强度工作有收获、 有乐趣的一面。FBI的工作所需的流动性很大,但因为年轻,贝克对此类要求应付自如。 因为实习期的充实圆满,也因为其家人在这一领域的积极参与,贝克决定改变自己的研究生计划。他决定改变 原来去法学院继续学业的计划,回到华盛顿特区争取经济学硕士学位。 FBI支付继续教育的费用,并且希望预备特工在进入学院前有至少三年分析方面的工作经验。贝克打算以成为特 工为目标,并向此方向努力。 “我希望每天都能充满激情地工作,”他说,“在那儿你可以做很多事情。” 贝克很幸运,他拥有很好的机会。FBI的目标是雇用所有的实习生。 internship 【释义】n. 实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位 【短语】Internship programs 实习计划,实习方案 submit 【释义】vi. 提交;服从 vt. 使服从;主张;呈递 【短语】submit state 提交状态;submit registration 提交登记表 application 【释义】n. 应用;申请;应用程序;敷用 【短语】application fee 申请费;Application Management 应用程序管理 approximately 【释义】adv.大约,近似地;近于 【短语】approximately equal 近似等于,近似相等 confirm 【释义】adj. 确认的,坚定的 vt. 确认;确定;使巩固 【短语】confirmed cases 确认病例 SWAT abbr. 特种武器战略(Special Weapons and Tactics),特种部队 involvement 【释义】n. 牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难 【短语】involvement in 介入,参与;emotional involvement 情感介入