每日一读 @2

每日一读 @2

2018-03-22    03'01''

主播: 诺 Tayler

10 0

You Are You There is always one true inner voice. Trust it. —Gloria Steinem Sometimes it’s hard to know who you are and what you want and whom you like and why you like that person. The answers change because you’re changing. Growing. But deep inside, you are you. You were you as a baby, you were you as a kid, and you are you right now.“Let me listen to me and not to them.” wrote Gertrude Stein. It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of other people. But don’t let their noise drown out your inner voice. And don’t let the way you sometimes talk or behave in front of others make you lose sight of who you are when you are alone, when you are most you. “You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself. ” Beryl Markham said. Get acquainted with yourself. Tune in to the dreams you have by day and by night. Blend in when you choose to, but appreciate what sets you apart.“The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people. ”said Jamie Lee Curtis. 爱你自己 作真正的自我 总有一个真实的内在的声音。相信它。——葛罗莉亚·史坦能 有时很难想明白你到底是谁,你想要什么,你喜欢谁和你为什么喜欢那个人。你在变,答案也在变。你在成长,但在内心深处,你就是你。从婴儿到孩童,到现在,你就是你。“让我听从自己,而不是他们。”格特鲁德·斯坦因如是写道。 你可以参考别人的建议和观点。但是不要让他们的意见盖过你内心的想法。不要让你在其他人面前的谈话或表现方式让你迷失了独处时的自我,那时才是真正的你。 “你过完一生,在生命结束时,了解别人比了解自己更多”,柏瑞尔·马卡姆说。来装备自己吧。让你白天做的梦和晚上的梦协调一致。当你选择做事时行为要相称,但是要理解什么使你分开。杰米·李·科堤斯说过:“我越喜欢我自己,我越不想假装成为别的人。”
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