

2020-02-09    01'46''

主播: 王德重David

76 1

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.2.9 There are reasons for this. The issues this book discusses, the new social, demographic and economic REALITIES, are not issues that GOVERNMENT can successfully deal with. They are issues that will have profound impact on politics; but they are not political issues. They are not issues the Free Market can deal with. They are also not issues of ECONOMIC THEORY or even of ECONOMIC POLICY. They are issues that only MANAGEMENT and the INDIVIDUAL knowledge worker, professional or executive can tackle and resolve. They are surely going to be debated in the domestic politics of every developed and every emerging country. But their resolution will have to take place within the individual organization and will have to be worked out by the individual organization's MANAGEMENT-and by every single individual knowledge worker (and especially by every single executive ) within the organization.——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century·Introduction》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)
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