David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.2.12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book grew out of a suggestion by my long-time American editor, Cass Canfield, Jr., of HarperClllins. It is, however, a very different book from the one ,Mr. Canfield and I originally envisaged. We thought of a book that would bring together in one volume the best from the management books I have written[ˈrɪtn] and published for more than fifty years-a kind of “Drucker Retrospective.” But as I began to work on the book Mr. Canfield suggested, it became increasingly clear to both of us that what was appropriate was not a book looking backward. It was one that looks AHEAD. As a result, this book contains NOTHING that is an excerpt from earlier management books of mine. It supplements them by LOOKING AHEAD. And all the time, while working on this book, I have had-as I have had for many many years-the benefit of Mr. Canfield's advice, suggestions, comments-they have greatly improved this book.——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century》(Peter F. Drucker,1999)
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