

2020-02-21    01'41''

主播: 王德重David

39 0

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.2.21 What led to the identification of Management with Business Management was the Great Depression with its hostility to business and its contempt for business executives. In order not to be tarred with the business brush, management in the public sector was rechristened "Public Administration" and proclaimed a separate discipline-with its own university departments, its own terminology, its own career ladder. At the same time-and for the same reason-what had begun as a study of management in the rapidly growing hospital(e. g. , by Raymond Sloan, the younger brother of GM's Alfred Sloan) was split off as a separate discipline and christened "Hospital Administration." Not to be called "management" was, in other words, "political correctness" in the Depression years.——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century·Chapter1》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)
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