David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.3.13
It is the Marks & Spencer model that the Japanese, quite consciously, copied in the 1960s.
In every single case, beginning with General Motors, the Keiretsu, that is, the integration into one management system of enterprise that are linked economically rather than controlled legally, has given a cost advantage of at least 25 percent and more often 30 percent. In every single case it has given dominance in the industry and in the marketplace.
And yet the Keiretsu is not enough. It is still based on power. Whether it is General Motors and the small, independent accessory companies that Durant bought between 1915 and 1920, or Sears Roebuk, or Marks & Spencer, or Toyota——the central company has overwhelming economic power. The Keiretsu is not based on a partnership of equals. It is based on the dependance of the suppliers.
——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century ·Chapter1》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)