

2020-03-25    02'05''

主播: 王德重David

36 0

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.3.25 Similarly, there is nothing particularly new in the growth of the population in the Third World. It largely parallels the growth of population in the developed countries a hundred years earlier——it is not even significantly faster. And the population growth in most of the Third World is slowing down so fast that one can predict with near certainly that population in the Third World——excepting perhaps only India——will level off well before it reaches a crisis point. We know that in terms of food and raw materials there is going to be no major crisis. We know that clean water and clean air will present tremendous problems——and that together population and environment will have to be brought into balance. But that too is not as new a problem as most people believe. In some places in Europe(e.g., the German Ruhr) the problem was faced early in the 20th century and was solved then, and quite satisfactorily. What is, to repeat, totally unprecedented is the collapse of the birthrate in the developed world. Some of the implications are clear. ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter2》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)