

2020-03-29    02'10''

主播: 王德重David

46 1

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.3.29 In the United States, therefore, employing organizations——and by no means only businesses——should start as soon as possible to experiment with new work relationships with older people and especially with older knowledge workers. The organization that first succeeds in attracting and holding knowledge workers past traditional retirement age, and makes them fully productive, will have a tremendous competitive advantage. In any event the strategy of any organization should be based on the assumption that twenty or thirty years hence, a large and growing part of the work——including some of the organization's most important work——will be done by people who are past traditional working age; who are not and should be neither “executives” nor “subordinates,” but have no rank; who, above all, are not “employees” in the traditional sense and certainly not full-timers coming to work in a corporate office every day. (4) The final implication is that in all developed countries the productivity of all workers——whether full-time of part-time——and especially of all knowledge workers, will have to increase very rapidly (on this see Chapter 5). Otherwise the country——and every organization in it——will lose position and become steadily poorer. But what are the implications for the individual company in a developed country? ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter2》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)