

2020-04-15    01'47''

主播: 王德重David

48 2

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.4.15 Consequently, the employee for whose sake the traditional Gearman or Janpanese company is supposed to be run, that is, the manual worker, will increasingly be less and less important——and with it the traditional emphasis on “social harmony” as the performance objective of business enterprise, and especially of large enterprise. The present debate about the Governmance is therefore only a first skirmish. We will have to learn to establish new definitions of what “performance” means in a given enterprise, and especially in the large, publicly owned enterprise. We will have to learn how to balance short-term results——which is what the present emphasis on “shareholder value” amounts to——with the long-range prosperity and survival of the enterprise. Even in purely financial terms, we face something totally new: the need for an enterprise to survive thirty or forty years, that is, to survive until its investors are reaching pensionable age. ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter2》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)