David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.4.24
“There an't no bargains” is old folk wisdom. The first rule for a business in managing the incongruence between economic reality and political reality is therefore NOT to do anything that does not satisfy economic reality. The first question has to be: “If we didn't get the bribe, would we do this as part of our business strategy?” If the answer is “no,” don't do it however tempting the bribe. It will be a costly failure. But even if the answer is “yes,” it is almost certainly wise to say “no” to the proffered bribe. All experience——and there is plenty of it——indicates that, in the end, one pays and pays heavily for accepting such bribes.
Closely related is another “Don't.” Do not expand or grow globally by going into business——especially not by acquisition unless they fit into the company's Theory of the Business and its overall strategy.
——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter2》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)