

2020-05-02    01'12''

主播: 王德重David

60 1

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.5.2 Abandonment is the right action if a product, service, market or process “still has a few good years of life.” It is these dying products, services or processes that always demand the greatest care and the greatest efforts. They tie down the most productive and ablest people. But also we almost always overestimate how much “life” there is still in the old product, service, market or process. Usually they are not “dying”; they are dead. And as an old medical proverb has it, “There is nothing as difficult and as expensive, but also nothing as futile, as to try to keep a corpse from stinking.” ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter3》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)
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