David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.6.4 冠鼎学院(GA)——识别·培养·考验未来的领导者 It is futile, for instance, to try to ignore the changes and to pretend that tomorrow will be like yesterday, only more so. This, however, is the position that existing institutions tend to adopt in such a period——businesses as well as nonbusinesses. It is, above all, the policy likely to be adopted by the institutions that were most successful in the earlier period before the changes. They are most likely to suffer from the delusion that tomorrow will be like yesterday, only more so. Thus it can be confidently predicted that a large number of today's leaders in all areas, whether business, education or health care, are unlikely still to be around thirty years hence, and certainly not in their present form. But to try to anticipate the changes is equally unlikely to be successful. These changes are not preditable. ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter3》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)