David's time with Peter F.Drucker 2020.9.8 冠鼎学院(Guanding Academy)——识别·培养·考验未来领导者的学院 Another basic methodology for organizing information comes out of the theory of the Threshold Phenomenon——the theory that underlies Perception Psychology. It was a German physicist, Gustav Techner(1801-1887), who first realized that we do not feel a sensation——for example, a pinprick——until it reaches a certain intensity, that is, until it passes a perception threshold. A great many phenomena follow the same law. They are not actually “phenomena.” They are data until they reach a certain intensity, and pass the perception threshold.——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century》Chapter 4.
上一期: 2020.9.7
下一期: 2020.9.9