David's time with Peter F.Drucker 2020.9.28
冠鼎学院(Guanding Academy)——识别·培养·考验未来领导者的学院。
Within a decade after Taylor first looked at work and studied it, the productivity of the manual worker began its unprecedented rise. Since then it has been going up steadily at the rate of 3.5 percent per annum compound——which means it has been risen fifty-fold since Taylor. On this achievement rests all the economic and social gains of the 20th century. The productivity of the manual worker has created what we now call “developed” economies. Before Taylor there was no such thing——all economies were equally “underdeveloped.” An underdeveloped economy today——or even an “emerging[iˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ]” one——is one that has not——or at least has not yet——made the manual worker productive.——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century》Chapter 5.