Flora to the Rescue

Flora to the Rescue

2017-04-13    03'42''

主播: 和Jacky一起快乐阅读

44 1

Down down down under the sea was a magic kingdom. In the kingdom lived Flora the mermaid and Marvin the merboy. One day Flora said to Marvin, let's play hide and seek, you hide and I will try to find you. So Marvin swam off to hide. Just then he saw something big and black. It looked like a cave. I will hide in here, he said. So Marvin swam into the cave. Flora will not find me in here, he said. Flora looked for Marvin. She looked under a rock. She looked in the seaweed. Then she looked in a see shell. But Marvin was not there. Flora could see some fish. She could see some sea horses and she could see big mouth the whale, but she could not see Marvin. Flora was cross. I give up. Where are you, Marvin? She called. I'm in the cave, said Marvin. But Flora could not see a cave. All she could see was big mouth the whale. Flora called out to Marvin, you are not in a cave, you are in big mouth the whale. Help! said Marvin, I can't get out. Just then big mouth oped his mouth. Get out now, called Flora. Marvin swam out just as big mouth opened his eyes. Big mouth was very cross. He tried to catch them. Come on, said Flora, let's get out of there. Flora and Marvin swam under a rock where big mouth could not see them. Big mouth looked and looked for them, but he could not find them. He swam off looking very cross. Do you want me to hide from you now? asked Flora. No, thank you, said Marvin, let's go home.
上一期: Creepy Castle
下一期: The Big Snowball