Huckle cat was so happy. He had just bought the perfect Mother's Day present. A cuckoo-cuckoo clock! Mother will love it, he said. Cuckoo! Went the clock. It was one o'clock. He put the clock into the basket of his bike. Then he set off for home as fast as he could go. Not so fast, said Lowly worm, Slow down! But Huckle did not slow down. He turned the corner and crashed right into postman pig. Cuckoo! Went the clock. Officer Murphy came right over. Oh, no! The clock is broken, said Huckle. You are lucky that is all that is broken, said the police officer. You were going too fast. And you did not ring your bell. Huckle said, I'm sorry but my bell is broken. Officer Murphy told Huckle to get his bell fixed. Huckle and Lowly went to Mr Fixit's store. Can you fix my bike bell and this cuckoo-cuckoo clock? Asked Huckle. Of course I can, said Mr Fixit, come back in an hour and your bell and clock will be as good as new. Huckle and Lowly left the store. Mr Fixit set to work. He took the bell apart. He took the clock apart. Now let me see, he said. When Huckle and Lowly came back, Mr Fixit had everything back together again. Oh, thank you Mr Fixit, said Huckle. Glad to be of help, said Mr Fixit. Huckle could hardly wait to give his mother the clock. He got to his house and rang his bike bell. cuckoo-cuckoo went the bell. Huckle was very surprised. Then he gave the clock to his mother. Happy Mother's Day, he said. Dring dring, went the clock. Huckle was very surprised. So was his mother. What a wonderful clock, she said, I have never seen a cuckoo-cuckoo clock that sounds like a bike bell. Thank you so much Huckle. Huckle loved his new bike bell too. There was not another one like it in busytown. He rushed off to thank Mr Fixit for the mixup. And when he turned the conner, he rang his bell. cuckoo-cuckoo!