67. Grug builds a car-故事4

67. Grug builds a car-故事4

2015-05-14    05'46''

主播: Ms.Latasha

11347 47

Once the top of a Burrawang tree fell to the grond... and the grassy top began to change. It became Gurg. Join him on his adventures! Grug was reading about cars. He decided to build a car. Grug nailed some wooden planks together. He found some old bicycle wheels and put them on the back of his car. and joined it to the front with string. Grug painted the car in bright colors. He called it a grugmobile. Grug put on his driving cap and goggles. He gave a push with his feet and the car rolled down the hill. Cara was in the way... so she went for a drive too! Over the bridge they went. They stopped, rolled backwards, over the bridge again... and back up the other side. The grugmobile sped down the hill again. But this time Grug missed the bridge... SPLASH! "Why don't you make a boat instead?" cara asked. THE END