So, let's think about it. 我们来想想看。
When you wear a mask, you actually don't see the mask. And when you try to observe it, what you will see is inside of the mask. And that's your inward voice. So to understand why it's different, let's try to understand the mechanism of perception of this inward voice. 当你戴着面具的时候,你实际上是看不到面具(的正面)的。当你尝试去观察这个面具的时候,你看到的是面具的内部。这就是你内在的声音。要去搞清这种差异产生的原因,让我们试着去理解一下内在声音感知的原理。
Because your body has many ways of filtering it differently from the outward voice. So to perceive this voice, it first has to travel to your ears. And your outward voice travels through the air while your inward voice travels through your bones. This is called bone conduction. 你的身体有很多不同的方式把它从外在的声音中筛选出来。为了察觉到这个声音,它最开始传播到你的耳朵。你的外在声音在空气中传播,同时你内在声音在你的骨头中传播。这就是骨传导。
Because of this, your inward voice is going to sound in a lower register and also more musically harmonical than your outward voice. Once it travels there, it has to access your inner ear. 如此一来,你的内在声音的音域会更低,也会比外在的声音听起来更和谐。当它传播到那里,必须进入到你的内耳。
And there's this other mechanism taking place here. It's a mechanical filter, it's a little partition that comes and protects your inner ear each time you produce a sound. So it also reduces what you hear.这就涉及到另一个原理。这是一种机械过滤,是在你每一次发声的时候能够保护你内耳的一种分隔器。所以你听到的内容也会有所减少。