Your inner voice is the one you hear when you read a text silently, when you rehearse for an important conversation. Sometimes is hard to turn it off, it's really hard to look at the text written in your native language, without having this inner voice read it. It's also the voice that refuse to stop singing the stupid song you have in your head. 你内心的声音就是当你默读文字,或者复述一个很重要的对话时在脑海中听到的。有时候是很难关闭这个声音的,当看到用你的母语写的文字的时候很难做到不去用你内心的声音来读它。这也正是拒绝停止在你脑海里唱那些很蠢的歌的声音。
And for some people it's actually impossible to control it. And that's the case of schizophrenic patients, who have auditory hallucinations. Who can't distinguish at all between voices coming from inside and outside their head. So in our lab, we are also working on small devices to help those people make those distinctions and know if a voice is internal or external. 对于有些人来说,这实际上很难去控制。对精神分裂症患者来说就是这样,他们有幻听,不能够分辨内在发出的声音和外界的声音。在实验室,我们也同样在研究小型设备来帮助那些人分辨那些声音是内在的还是外界的。
You can also think about the inner voice as the voice that speaks in your dream. This inner voice can take many forms. And in your dreams, you actually unleash the potential of this inner voice. That's another work we are doing in our lab: trying to access this inner voice in dreams. 你也可以把内心的声音想成是你梦中的声音。内心的声音可以是很多形式的。在你的梦中,你实际上是在解放那些潜在的内心的声音。这也是我们实验室中的另一项工作:尝试获得在梦中出现的内心的声音。
So even if you can't always control it, the inner voice -- you can always engage with it through dialogue, through inner dialogues. And you can even see this inner voice as the missing link between thought and actions. 因此,即使你不能总是控制内心的声音——你仍然可以参与其中,通过对话,内心的对话。你也可以把这个内心的声音看成是想法和行动之间遗失的连接。
So I hope I've left you with a better appreciation, a new appreciation of all of your voices and the role it plays inside and outside of you -- as your voice is a very critical determinant of what makes you humans and of how you interact with the world. Thank you.那么,我希望我给你们留下一个对你自己声音的更好的、崭新的认识,还有它在内部和外在的你当中扮演的角色——一个之所以成为人类,以及如何与世界互动的很重要的决定性因素。谢谢。