南越之声倾情打造的新栏目《悦读越秀》重磅来袭!今天为您带来的是英文绘本《The Tiger Who Came To Tea》。一天下午,Sophie和她的妈妈在厨房喝茶。门铃响起,Sophie打开门发现一只饥肠辘辘的老虎就在外面。她们邀请进来后,老虎吃了桌子上、厨房里的所有食物,包括他们一家原本的晚餐,并喝完了所有的饮料。因此,爸爸的晚餐没有食物,Sophie洗澡也没有水。当爸爸回家时,她们告诉了他这件事情,最终一家人决定去咖啡馆吃晚饭。第二天,Sophie和她的妈妈去购物,买了食物和一大罐老虎食物,以防老虎再次回来。One afternoon. Sophie was enjoy a cup of tea with her mother in the kitchen. When the doorbell rang, a hungry tiger awaiting them.They invited it in. The tiger ate all the food on the table. in the kitchen, including dinner, and drank all the drinks.As a result, there was no food for Dad's dinner and no water for Sophie's bath.When Dad came home, they told him about it and then the family went to a cafe for supper. The next day, Sophie and her mother shopped, buying food and a big tin of tiger food in case the tiger returned.绘本的故事纯真且美好,期待我们下一次仍能带着这份纯真相聚在此。 文案:陈光玉 剪辑:王梓惠 录音:陈光玉 王梓
上一期: 二十四节气·大寒