小虫威利 Willy The Worm (附原文)

小虫威利 Willy The Worm (附原文)

2014-08-18    02'20''

主播: Max冬冬

1220 60

Worms like dirt. Not Willy. "Dirt, dirt, dirt. I hate dirt!" Willy said. His friends didn't understand. What was wrong with him? Other worms took mud baths. Not Willy. He took a clean shower. Other worms dug their own tunnels. Not Willy. He paid friends to dig for him. Other worms crawled through tunnels. Not Willy. He drove his shiny red car. Other worms dressed up in dirt. Not Willy. He dressed up in clothes. On Willy's way home from school one day, it started raining. "Oh, no! I'm going to ruin my new scarf!" Willy yelled. The other worms played in the fresh mud. Not Willy. He tried to wiggle away. Willy could see his car. He was almost to safety. Suddenly, Willy slipped. He fell right into a pile of mud. Willy started screaming and crying. The other worms crawled over to help him. When they saw Willy, they started to laugh. Willy was covered in mud. Willy started to laugh, too. He actually liked how the mud felt. It was cold and soft. "Maybe dirt isn't so bad," Willy said. "We told you," said his friends as they jumped into the mud.