最好的雪人 The Best Snowman (附原文)

最好的雪人 The Best Snowman (附原文)

2014-08-19    02'21''

主播: Max冬冬

1901 71

Robby had never seen snow. Then, one cold day, it came. Robby made a snowman as fat as a barrel. Then he stuck a pot on his head. "He's funny," said Mr. Jones, who lived next door. "Can you make one for me, too?" "And me, " said Mrs. Cook. "And us," said Miss. Ling and Mr. Perry. "OK," said Robby. "I'll make snowmen for all of you." "One like yours, please," said Mr. Jones. "As fat as a barrel!" The snowman was a very funny shape. But Mr. Jones was pleased. "A tall thin one, please," said Miss Ling. The snowman was so tall and thin, it couldn't stand up. But Miss Ling was pleased. "I'd like a snow-woman, please," said Mrs. Cook. The hat was much too big for the snow-woman. But Mrs. Cook was pleased. Robby came to the last house. "A teeny-weeny snowman, please," said Mr. Perry. "They're the best." So, Robby made a snowman the size of a snowball. "Why is he the best?"asked Robby. Mr. Perry took the teeny-weeny snowman and put him in the freezer with the frozen peas. "He's the best snowman because he won't melt," said Mr. Perry. And he didn't.