《小企鹅,请排队!》 Take Turns, Penguin! (附原文)

《小企鹅,请排队!》 Take Turns, Penguin! (附原文)

2014-09-05    02'49''

主播: Max冬冬

2708 71

It was Penguin's first day at school. "You'll like it here," said his mother. "They've got a slide." And off she went. There was no one on the slide, so Penguin climbed up and slid all the way down. Then he did it again. And again. And again. Soon, there was a line behind Penguin. My turn," said Rat. "No, it isn't," said Penguin, and he pushed in front of Rat. "My turn," said Rabbit. "No, it's not. It's my turn," said Penguin. And he pushed in front again. "Teacher! Tea...cher! Penguin won't take turns," shouted Weasel. The teacher was busy. "Sort it out yourselves," she said. WHOOOOSH went Penguin. "It's not fair!" said Warthog. "You've had 86 turns!" "I was here first," said Penguin. And he had his eighty-seventh turn. "It's rude to push," said Parrot. Penguin paid no attention. "I've had enough of this, " said Prairie Dog. "I haven't," said Penguin. And would you believe he did it again? "What are we going to do?" sighed Elephant. "I know..." said Crocodile. And he lay at the bottom of the slide with his mouth wide open. The teacher finished what she was doing. "Where's Penguin?" she asked. "Teacher! Tea...cher! I know where he is. He's inside Crocodile," said Weasel. "Take that Penguin out of your mouth at once!" said the teacher. "Now, whose turn is it on the slide?" "Crocodile's ," said Penguin.