Jasper and Jess (附原文)

Jasper and Jess (附原文)

2014-09-20    02'56''

主播: Max冬冬

2328 65

Jasper and Jess were enemies. Jasper liked to chase Jess out of the yard. Every day, Jasper waited until Jess came outside. He chased her until she ran up the apple tree. He barked and growled at her. She arched her back and hissed at him. One day, Jess didn't appear. Jasper looked for her behind the bushes and in the flowerbeds. He looked in the rock garden and over the fence. But Jess wasn't there. Then Jasper heard a sound. He looked up at the house. Jess was stuck on the roof! Jasper went to have a closer look. Jess was hanging down from the gutter! Jasper ran up and down the yard, barking. But no one heard him. He scratched at the back door. But no one was at home. Quickly, he pulled a lawn chair over to the house. "Jump onto the chair, Jess!" he shouted. Jess was frightened but she closed her eyes and let go. It was a long way down. Jess fell through the air and landed on the chair. She was safe! Jasper was glad that he helped Jess. Now he could chase her out of the yard again!