《哈利的房间里有匹马》The Horse in Harry's Room 附原文

《哈利的房间里有匹马》The Horse in Harry's Room 附原文

2014-09-28    04'04''

主播: Max冬冬

1956 59

Harry had a horse in his room. Nobody knew. He could ride him in a circle without knocking over the chair or dresser. He could jump him over the bed without hitting his head on the ceiling. "Oh, it's great to have a horse," said Harry. "I hope I will always have him. I hope he will always stay." His mother looked into Harry's room to see what he was doing. She did not see the horse. His father looked into Harry's room to see what he was doing. He did not see the horse. "Giddyap," they heard him say when he wanted his horse to go. "Whoa," they heard him say when he wanted his horse to stop. But they did not see a horse in Harry's room. "Let's take Harry to the country," said Father. "Let's show him some real horses." Harry did not care if he ever went to the country. He had his own horse in his room! Every night when Harry went to sleep, he knew his horse would stay and watch over him Every day when Harry went to school, he knew his horse would wait for him to come home. One day the etacher said, "Let us all tell about something today." One girl told about a dress she wore to a party. One boy told about a glove he used for baseball. "I have a horse in my room," said Harry. "I can ride him in a circle without knocking over the chair or dresser. I can jump him over the bed without hitting his head on the ceiling." The children laughed. "Sometimes thinking about a thing is the same as having it," said the teacher. It was Sunday. Harry's mother and father took him for a drive. They rode out of the city, far into the country. Harry saw cows and chickens and green grass. And he saw HORSES! "Look at the horses, Harry," said Mother. Harry saw horses running. Harry saw horses kicking. Harry saw horses nibbling. "Horses should always be free to run and kick and nibble,"said Father. When they got home,Harry ran right to his room. "Horses should always be free to run and kick and nibble," Harry said to his horse. "If you want to go, you may go." Harry's horse looked to the right. Harry's horse looked to the left. Then he stayed right where he was. "Oh, I'm glad," said Harry. And he knew he would have his horse as long as he wanted him.