牛津分级阅读《长围巾》The Scarf

牛津分级阅读《长围巾》The Scarf

2014-11-26    03'08''

主播: Max冬冬

3109 66

Anneena liked knitting. She made a scarf. Anneena's mum helped her. The scarf was long and warm. "It's a good scraf," said Anneena. Biff and Chip came to play. It was a cold day. Anneena put on her scarf. "What a cold day!"she said. Biff looked at Anneena's scarf. "What a long scarf!"she said. "I made it," said Anneena. " I couldn't stop knittting." The children went to the park. They went to the pond. The pond was frozen. It had ice on it. Some children ran up. They pulled Anneena's scarf. "Stop it!" shouted Anneena. "Stop it!" shouted Anneena's mum. A boy went on the ice. The ice was dangerous. "Get off," shouted Anneena's mum. "The ice is not safe." Anneena's mum couldn't get the boy. She couldn't get on the ice. Everyone was frightend. "Help!"shouted the boy. Anneena had a good idea. She took off her scarf. "Make a rope," she said. Anneena's mum made a rope. She made it out of scarves and coats. She threw it to the boy. Eveyone pulled the rope. They pulled the boy out of the pond. The boy was safe. "Hooray!" shouted Anneena. "I am sorry!" said the boy. "Thank you." "Ice is dangerous," said Anneena. Anneena looked at her scarf. "I'm glad I made it long," she said. .