小毛人系列之《堆雪人》Just a Snowman 附原文

小毛人系列之《堆雪人》Just a Snowman 附原文

2014-12-27    04'05''

主播: Max冬冬

2394 96

It snowed and snowed all night long, so today we had a snow day. Hooray! I wanted to build a snowman. I put on my snow boots and my hat and my mittens and my scarf. Then, I helped Little Sister put on her snow stuff. After that, Dad needed my help. We shoveled and shoveled lots of snow... ... and then we had to find the car. I was going to build a snowman next, but Little Sister wanted to have a snowball fight. I let her hit me a bunch of times. I only hit her one time by accident. So then, I had to say I was sorry and give her a big hug. I was going to build a snowman after that, but Tiger and Bun Bun wanted to go ice-skating. So, I showed everyone how I can skate backwards... ... and do jumps. Then Tiger and I raced. It was a tie. I was ready to build a snowman next, but Maurice and Molly wanted to go sledding. I steered all the way down the big hill. Watch out, Maurice and Molly, here we come! When Little Sister and I got home, I was going to build a snowman. But Gator wanted me to help him build a snow fort. And then Gabby wanted to make snow angels. Finally! It was time to build a snowman. First, we made a big snowball for the bottom. Next, we put a smaller one on top... ... and an even smaller one on top of that one. Little Sister added prunes for his eyes and mouth, and a carrot for his nose. And I put Mom's scarf around his neck and Dad's hat on his head. I even let him wear my sunglasses. Our snowman sure looked great! Little Sister was getting cold so we went inside. The snowman looked cold, too, so I decided to make some of my special hot chocolate to warm us all up. First, Mom heated some milk while I got out the secret ingredients. I put everything into the pot and stirred it all up with a big spoon. Then I put marshmallows on top and I poured the hot chocolate into three big mugs --one for me, one for Little Sister... ... and one for the snowman. It was the best snow day ever. I sure hope it snows again tomorrow!