《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 1 Chapter 2 Part 1

《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 1 Chapter 2 Part 1

2015-01-08    03'52''

主播: Max冬冬

2676 68

Chapter 2 Dumb miss Daisy and Principal Klutz Miss Daisy said it was time for us to clear off our desks and see how much we knew about arithmetic. Ugh! “If I gave you fifty-eight apples and Principal Klutz took twenty-eight of them away,” Miss Daisy asked, “how many apples would you have left? A.J.?” “Who cares how many apples you would have left?” I said. “I hate apples. If you ask me, you and Principal Klutz can take all the apples away and it wouldn’t bother me one bit.” “You would have thirty apples,” said that girl Andrea Young in the front of the class. She had a big smile on her face, like she had just opened all her birthday presents. Andrea Young thinks she’s so smart. “I hate arithmetic,” I announced. “You know what?” Miss Daisy said. “I hate arithmetic too!” “You do?” we all said. “Sure! I don’t even know what you get if you multiply four times four.” “You don’t?” “I have no idea,” Miss Daisy said, scratching her head and wrinkling up her forehead like she was trying to figure it out. “Maybe one of you kids can explain it to me?” Boy, Miss Daisy was really dumb! Even I know what you get when you multiply four times four. But that smarty-pants-I-know-everything-girl Andrea Young beat me to it and got called on first. “If you put four crayons in a row,” she told Miss Daisy as she put a bunch of crayons on the top of her desk, “and you make four rows of four crayons, you’ll have sixteen crayons. See?” Then she counted the crayons from one to sixteen. Miss Daisy looked at the crayons on Andrea’s desk. She had a puzzled look on her face. “I’m not sure I understand,” she said. “Can somebody else explain it to me?” Michael Robinson, this kid wearing a red T-shirt with a dirt bike on it, explained four times four again, using pencils. He had sixteen pencils on his desk, in four rows of four pencils. Miss Daisy still had a look on her face like she didn’t understand. “What would happen if you subtracted half of the pencils?” she asked. Michael took away two of the rows of pencils and put them in his pencil box. “Then you would have eight pencils!” we all said. Andrea Young added, “Half of sixteen is eight.” Miss Daisy wrinkled up her forehead until it was almost like an accordion. She still didn’t get it! She started counting the pencils on Michael’s desk out loud and using her fingers. She got it all wrong. We gathered around Michael’s desk and tried to explain to Miss Daisy how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the pencils. Nothing worked. Miss Daisy had to be the dumbest teacher in the history of the world! No matter how many times we tried to explain, she kept shaking her head. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It will take me a while to understand arithmetic. Maybe you can explain it to me more tomorrow. For now we have to clean off our desks because Principal Klutz is going to come in and talk to us.”