小毛人系列之《只能再养一只宠物了》Just One More Pet

小毛人系列之《只能再养一只宠物了》Just One More Pet

2015-01-18    04'33''

主播: Max冬冬

2502 86

One day I was walking home from my best friend's house. I heard a strange little noise in the bushes. I looked. It was a little doggy. He was very friendly. He didn't have a collar. He followed me home. What could I do? "You have to take him back. We have too many pets," said Mom. "He is lost and doesn't have a home." I pleaded. Mom let me tie him up in the backyard until Dad got home. Our kitty did not like him. She hissed. Our dog did not like him. He barked. The little doggy was scared. I gave him a bath. He liked that. I took him to my room so he would be comfortable. Little Sister saw him. She said, "I'm gonna tell." I had to give her a dollar just to keep her quiet. Mom heard him bark. I had to take him back outside. He looked so sad. I kept him company. Little Sister wouldn't give me my dollar back. Bummer! Dad came home and said, "He can stay here until we find his owner. " "What if we can't find his owner?" I asked. "Can I keep him?" Mom said,"Let's worry about that later." We made a bed in our garage, but the doggy barked. He was lonely. He was sad. I took my bath. I could hear the doggy cry. Dad read a bedtime story for me. We could hear the doggy whine.He was scared. I tried to sleep, but I could still hear the doggy. Finally, I fell asleep. The next morning I went out to the garage to check on the doggy. Oh, no!! The doggy was gone. He had escaped through a crack in the garage door. I called and called. "Here, doggy! Here, doggy!" But no doggy. I asked my dog and kitty, "Do you know where the doggy is?" They were no help at all. I ran next door and asked, "Mrs. Phino, have you seen a little doggy in your yard?" "No, I haven't. But somebody pulled all my clean sheets off the line." I ran over to Mr. Bovine's house. "Have you seen a little doggy in your yard?" I asked. "No, I haven't. But somebody dug up my garden." I saw Mr. E. LePhant in his front yard. "Mr. LePhant, have you seen a little doggy in your yard?" I asked. "No, I haven't. But somebody chewed up my hose." We looked everywhere. No doggy. I walked by the garage and heard a bark. I ran inside. The doggy was back. But he was a she, and she was a mama. She had four little puppies. I called everybody. "Oops! We have more doggies." Just then a car drove up. Out stepped a little girl and her mom. "Have you seen a little lost dog?" the girl asked. The girl was so happy. "It is my dog," she said. "And I even have puppies, too!" I was not happy. The girl asked, "Would you like to have a puppy after they get a little bigger?" I asked Mom and Dad if I could. Mom and Dad said, "Yes, just one more pet!"