《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 1 Chapter 5 Part 2

《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 1 Chapter 5 Part 2

2015-01-21    04'13''

主播: Max冬冬

2153 63

We all rushed inside after recess and asked Miss Daisy how much it would cost to buy the school. “Gee, I don’t know,” said Miss Daisy, who didn’t seem to know much of anything. “Why do you want to buy the school?” “We want to turn it into a video-game arcade,” I told her. “What a great idea!” She beamed. “I love video games. There are so many schools and so few video-game arcades. It makes perfect sense to turn some of those schools into video-game arcades. I’ll arrange a meeting with Mr. Klutz tomorrow so we can ask him if we can buy the school. But right now, we have to go to Mrs. Cooney’s office.” Mrs. Cooney’s office is down the hall from our class. She says she’s the school nurse, but personally I think she’s a spy. I’ll tell you why. There’s this big poster on her wall that says this: I tried to read it, and it didn’t make any sense at all. Even Andrea Young didn’t know how to read the poster, and she knows everything. I think Mrs. Cooney has created a secret code, and she’s using the poster to send mystery spy messages. I will have to keep an eye on her. When we walked into Mrs. Cooney’s office, she had us all line up in size order. I was one of the shortest kids, so I had to stand in the front of the line. Then Mrs. Cooney told us to take off our shoes. At first I thought she didn’t want us to track mud all over her office. But then she told us that she was going to weigh and measure us. Obviously she is trying to gather information about us, because that is what spies do. My friend Billy says that the heavier you are, the smarter you are, because heavy people have bigger brains. But I think Billy just says that because he is overweight. I weighed fifty-two pounds. Mrs. Cooney showed us this awesome ruler she has. It is made of metal and stretches out six feet long. When she presses a button, the whole thing shoots into her hand and disappears like magic. That is cool! I’ll bet she has lots of other spy tools too. She wouldn’t let us play with her magic ruler, but Mrs. Cooney ran around measuring everything. She showed us that the bench we were sitting on was seventeen inches high. The door to her office was thirty inches across. And her foot was twelve inches long. “Hey, my foot is a foot!” Mrs. Cooney exclaimed. “Aren’t all feet feet?” I asked. “Some feet are less than a foot, and some feet are more than a foot,” she replied. “But my foot is exactly a foot.” I had no idea what she was talking about. Mrs. Cooney wrapped the measuring tape around her forehead and announced, “Look! My head is almost two feet in circumference!” I knew that circumference was the distance all the way around a circle and diameter was the distance through the middle of a circle. “What’s the diameter of your head, Mrs. Cooney?” I asked. Everybody laughed, even though I didn’t say anything funny. “That would be hard to measure. But isn’t measuring things fun?” Mrs. Cooney asked. “I wonder how much the scale weighs.” Mrs. Cooney started to measure and weigh more things, but Miss Daisy said we had to go back to class.