小毛人系列之《生病了》Just a Little Sick 附原文

小毛人系列之《生病了》Just a Little Sick 附原文

2015-05-05    02'49''

主播: Max冬冬

4190 94

I am just a little sick today. Mom says, "No school. You need to stay in bed." Being just a little sick is fun. I get breakfast in bed. Yay! It is just plain toast. Yuck! "I want Fruity Crunch," I say. Mom says, "You are too sick. Go to bed." "I am not too sick to play video games." "Yes, you are," says Mom. "Now go to bed and rest." I am not too sick to fly to the moon on my rocket ship. "The rocket ship ran out of gas," Mom says. "It needs to rest." I am too sick to build a tent on my bed. I am hiding from my bear. Suddenly I don&`&t feel good. My bear and I go to find Mom. Mom sends me back to bed. She takes my temperature. "You have a fever," says Mom. I say, "I am sleepy." I wake up from my nap. I feel great! I get dressed. I will go out to play. Mom says, "Oh, good, you are all dressed. Let&`&s go to the doctor." But I am not sick anymore," I say. Mom takes me to the dotcor anyway. We wait and wait. I put on a funny-looking robe. The back is open. The doctor checks my throat, my nose, and my ears. The doctor gives Mom something to make me feel better. We go home. I can&`&t wait to go out and play with my friends. "Oh no," says Mom. "The doctor said you have to rest all day." I am tired of resting! I ask, "Can I please go to school tomorrow?" I changed my mind. Being just a little sick is no fun.