Chapter 10 Football Players Are Really Dumb
“Boys and girls, today we have a very special and famous guest,” Miss Daisy said. “His name is Boomer Wiggins.”
“Wow!” was the first thing everybody said.
“Who’s he?” was the second thing everybody said.
But I knew who Boomer Wiggins was. Because Boomer Wiggins was my hero. He was the quarterback of my favorite football team, the Chargers! Wow! A real foot- ball player right in our classroom! Miss Daisy told us that Boomer Wiggins had a daughter in fourth grade, and that’s why he was spending the day at our school.
When Boomer Wiggins walked into the class, everybody gasped. He was really big and had so many muscles that they poked right against his shirt! We all crowded around him, and Boomer let us feel his arm muscles. I couldn’t even get my hands around them! Then Boomer picked up Emily with one hand! He was amazing. Then he gave each of us a little plastic football, and he signed his name on each one.
“Does anybody have any questions?” Boomer asked.
“Do you like knocking guys on their butts?” I asked.
Everybody laughed, even though I didn’t say anything that was funny. Miss Daisy said it was “butt,” not “butts,” because a person only has one butt. But I said a butt was divided into two halves, so really it could be“butts.” Miss Daisy said that was enough of that talk. I said she shouldn’t be complaining because she was the one who started it.
“I don’t like knocking people down,” Boomer told us, “but sometimes we have to because it’s part of the game.”
“Mr. Wiggins,” asked Miss Daisy, “is it true that football players are really dumb?”
We all gasped. I was afraid Boomer Wiggins might knock Miss Daisy on her butt.
“Excuse me?” Boomer said, like he wasn’t sure if he had heard the question.
“Well, somebody once told me that if you play football, you don’t have to know how to read or write or do arithmetic or go to school.”
“Who told you that?” Boomer asked Miss Daisy.
Everybody looked at me. I slid down so that my head was almost under my desk, and I hid behind my notebook.
“Oh, a good friend of mine told me,” Miss Daisy said. “Is it true?”
“If I didn’t go to school, I never could have become a football player,” Boomer told us. “I have to read and study my playbook very carefully. I have to write letters to my fans. Every week I have to study very hard to get ready for the next game.”
“Did you go to college?” asked Miss Daisy.
“Yes,” Boomer said, “and when my football career is over, I plan to go back to school so I can become a doctor.”
“Wow!” I said. “I want to go to college someday so I can become a doctor and knock guys on their butts. I mean butt.”
Everybody laughed, even though I didn’t say anything funny. Then, to prove how smart he was, Boomer Wiggins read us a book and passed out bookmarks that said “Achieve Your Goal
by Reading” on them.
Miss Daisy said that even though Boomer read the book to us, we could still add fifty-two pages to the total number of pages we’ve read.
The temperature level on the thermometer in the hallway kept getting higher and higher.