纽约图书馆评选推荐绘本《鸭宝宝,去上学!》Off to School, Baby Duck!

纽约图书馆评选推荐绘本《鸭宝宝,去上学!》Off to School, Baby Duck!

2015-12-14    05'17''

主播: Max冬冬

1228 40

鸭宝宝经历了第一天上学的恐惧。不过,在爷爷一个小小的帮助下,一切都变得很圆满。 Baby Duck could not eat her breakfast. It was the first day of school, and her stomach was all jitters! "Breakfast toast is very tasty," said Mrs.Duck. "Won't you have a bite?" "No," Baby said. "Breakfast juice is very juicy," said Mr. Duck. "Won't you have a sip?" "No," Baby said. "Your sister Hot Stuff is way too small to go to school," Mrs. Duck pointed out. "She's not brave enough, either. Aren't you glad to be big and brave?" "No," Baby said. Baby Duck sat under the table with her blue school bag. Baby loved her school bag, and the important things inside: one favorite book, a sandwich with jam,one tall pad, and one yellow pencil (a special going-to-school present from Hot Stuff). "Button up your new school sweater!" called Mrs. Duck. "Hurry, Baby!" Baby buttoned. It took a long time. "Buckle up your new school shoes!" called Mr. Duck. "Hurry, Baby!" Baby buckled. It took a long time. Mr. Duck looked at his watch. "Time to go!" he cried. Mr. and Mrs. Duck bustled out the front door, swinging Hot Stuff in the air. Their feet crunched on dry leaves. "Come, come!" they cried. "School, glorious school!" Baby Duck dragged behind. "Good-bye, house," she whispered in a little small voice. The Duck family waddled down the road. "Hop to it, Baby!" called Mr. Duck. Baby could not hop. Her feet felt too heavy. "Chin up, Baby!" called Mrs. Duck. "Skip along!" Baby could not skip. Her school bag was bumping. Bumpity bumpity bump. The Duck family waddled to the big schoolhouse. Baby's buckle popped open and now her shoe was flapping. Flappity flappity flap. "Calling all babies! Here I am!" Grampa was waiting on a bench. Baby sat right up close to Grampa. "Rough day?" he whispered. "Yes," Baby said. "Long walk?" whispered Grampa. "Yes," Baby said. "Scared about school?" whispered Grampa. "Yes," Baby said. "Yes, yes, yes!" "Sometimes it helps to sing a song," Grampa said. "You sing nice songs, Baby." "Yes," Baby said. "I do." Then Baby sang a song. "Please don't make me go to school. My teacher will be mean. I won't have any fun or friends. And who will buckle my new shoe?" "I will," Grampa said. And he buckled Baby's shoe. After that Baby showed Grampa the important things inside her school bag. He liked the pencil from Hot Stuff. "You draw nice pictures, Baby," Grampa pointed out. "Yes," Baby said. "I do." Then Baby drew a picture. Davy Duck took little steps toward Baby. He looked at Baby's picture. Baby felt proud. Miss Posy came across the schoolyard. "My name is Miss Posy." she said. "I'm the teacher." "Are you mean?" Grampa asked. "Oh, no!" said Miss Posy. "Do you sing songs in that schoolhouse?" Grampa asked. "Oh, yes!" said Miss Posy. "Do you read books in there?" Grampa asked. "Oh, yes!" said Miss Posy. "Do you like sandwiches with jam, and yellow pencils?" Grampa asked. "Oh, yes!" said Miss Posy. Miss Posy rang the bell. "Good luck," Grampa said, shaking Baby's hand. Then Mr. and Mrs. Duck took turns kissing Baby on both cheeks. "We'll be right here," they promised, "when school lets out." But Hot Stuff cried, "Wa, waa, waaaa!" Baby Duck put her arm around Hot Stuff. "Little small babies have to wait," she said. She gave Hot Stuff the picture she had made. "Chin up!" Baby said. Then Baby Duck hopped and skipped into the big schoolhouse with her new friend Davy Duck. She sang a pretty song. "Off to school, Baby Duck! I am big and brave. I like Miss posy, Davy Duck too. And I'll have fun in school!"