《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 5 (附原文)

《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 5 (附原文)

2015-12-21    03'47''

主播: Max冬冬

2602 49

The Secret of the Teachers’ Lounge We were out in the playground during recess. Me and Ryan and Michael all agreed that Ms. Hannah was weird. I mean, saving all the garbage is good for the environment and all, but it’s kind of weird, too. She doesn’t have enough garbage of her own. She has to go get other people’s garbage. “She’s not an art teacher,” I said. “She’s a garbage collector.” “I still say our real art teacher was kidnapped,” Ryan said. “She’s probably tied up to a chair in the teachers’ lounge.” The teachers’ lounge is on the second floor of our school. Ryan said he thought it was in a room over the playground. We looked up at the windows and found the one that was probably the teachers’ lounge. “Our real art teacher could be in there right now,” Ryan said, “tied up to a chair and being tortured!” “Too bad we’re too short to see inside,” Michael said. That’s when I came up with the most genius idea in the history of the world. I told Ryan and Michael that we might be able to see inside the window to the teachers’ lounge if we stood on top of each other. Michael got down on his hands and knees below the window. Ryan climbed up on top of him and hunched down. I climbed up on top of Ryan and stood on his shoulders. “Can you see anything, A. J.?” Michael grunted. “Not yet.” I could almost see into the window. I grabbed hold of the ledge on the window to pull myself up better. “Hurry up!” Michael said. “My back is going to break!” That’s when I saw them. The teachers! I saw Miss Daisy and Mrs. Roopy and a few of the other teachers. I was looking right into the teachers’ top-secret lounge! “I see them!” I shouted. “What are they doing?” Ryan asked, all excited. “Not much,” I said. “Is anybody tied up to a chair?” Michael asked. “No.” “Are they dancing around with each other?” Ryan asked. “No,” “Are they playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey?” Michael asked. “No,” I said. “They’re just sitting there…eating lunch.” “That’s it?” Ryan said. “Wait!” I told them. “Mrs. Roopy is getting something out of the closet!” “Is it a BB gun?” Michael asked. “No, it’s a paper bag,” I said. “It must be her lunch.” “This is boring,” Ryan said. “One more minute,” I said. “My back is breaking!” Michael hollered. I don’t know exactly what happened next, but all I knew was that Ryan and Michael weren’t holding me up anymore. Nothing was holding me up anymore. I was holding on to the ledge of the windowsill with my elbows. If I let go, I would fall. I was afraid my head would bang on the windowsill. “Help! Help!” I shouted. I was hanging there for about a million hundred minutes until some of the teachers inside the teachers’ lounge noticed me. They rushed over and opened the window. “A.J., what are you doing out here?” Miss Daisy said as she and the other teachers pulled me inside. “Uh, I was just hanging around,” I told them.