《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 7 (附原文)

《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 7 (附原文)

2016-01-06    02'43''

主播: Max冬冬

1150 56

Chapter 7 Performance Art There’s a garden in the back of the Museum of Hanging Garbage. We went out there, and Ms. Hannah gave out pretzels and punch to all of us. She said we could run around and burn off some energy. We were munching the pretzels when Michael noticed a statue at the other end of the garden. It was a statue of a guy. He was dressed in a raincoat and he was holding an umbrella. The cool thing was that the statue guy was painted gold from head to toe. “Now that is cool,” I said. A bunch of people were standing around in a circle looking at the statue guy. “Hey, wait a minute!” Michael said. “I just saw that statue guy move.” “He did not,” I said. “Did too,” said Michael. I went over to the statue guy. There was a hat on the ground in front of him, and there was money in it. That was weird. If it was a statue, why would anybody give it money? The statue guy wasn’t moving at all. I walked around him real slow. I said “Boo!” to him. He didn’t move. I wanted to touch him to see if he was a real statue, but I was scared. I looked in the statue guy’s eyes. They sure looked real, but he wasn’t moving a muscle. “See, I told you,” I said to Michael. “It’s just a stat—” But just as I said it, the statue guy suddenly picked up his hand and put it on my head! I screamed and jumped about three feet in the air! All the people who were watching started to laugh even though there wasn’t anything funny about it. I hadn’t been so scared since I went to this haunted mansion on Halloween and all these zombies were jumping out from behind the walls. When that statue guy moved, I thought I was going to die. Ms. Hannah came over and put her arm around me. “See, that’s art too, A.J.!” she said as she put some money in the statue guy’s hat. “This man has turned himself into a work of art! It’s just like I always tell you. Art is everywhere. This is called performance art!” Performance art? Performance art? I think maybe when I grow up, I will paint myself gold and stand around doing nothing but scaring kids all day. That performance art stuff is cool.