《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 8 (附原文)

《疯狂学校》My Weird School Book 4 Chapter 8 (附原文)

2016-01-09    03'22''

主播: Max冬冬

1809 68

Chapter 8 The Friendship Picture When we got back to school, Ms. Hannah took us to the art room. What a mess! There was more junk than ever in there. Her newspaper ball was bigger too. It was almost as tall as me. Ms. Hannah said she hoped the art we saw in the museum had inspired us to create art on our own. She passed out paper and pencils and said that today we were going to draw friendship pictures. “What’s a friendship picture?” Emily asked. “A friendship picture is a picture that two people draw together,” she said. “That sounds like fun,” said Andrea. “Can Emily and I work on a friendship picture together? We’re best friends.” “Can I draw a picture with A.J.?” asked Ryan. “No,” said Ms. Hannah. “I want Andrea and A.J. to work on a friendship picture together.” Everybody laughed even though Ms. Hannah didn’t say anything funny. That’s because everybody knows that Andrea and I hate each other. “Do I have to work with him?” Andrea asked. “Do I have to work with her?” I asked. “Yes,” said Ms. Hannah. “Andrea, you love butterflies, right? A.J., you love skateboards. Let’s see the two of you draw a skateboarding butterfly.” We got to work. Andrea drew the butterfly and the background. I drew a helmet on the butterfly, a skateboard under it, and a bunch of ramps and stuff. Our friendship picture actually came out pretty good. Ms. Hannah was so impressed at how well me and Andrea worked together that she went to get Miss Daisy. “Hey, this is pretty cool,” I said, holding up our friendship picture. “Wow,” agreed Andrea, taking the friendship picture. “I’m going to take this home so my mom can put it up on the refrigerator.” “I want to take it home,” I said, grabbing the friendship picture away from Andrea. “My mom will want to put it up on our refrigerator.” “You hate art, A.J.,” Andrea said, grabbing the friendship picture back. “Why should you get to take it home?” “Because I want it, that’s why,” I said. I grabbed the friendship picture back from Andrea. Only this time Andrea didn’t let go. She pulled on one side of the friendship picture. I pulled on the other side of the friendship picture. That’s when our friendship picture ripped right down the middle. “You ruined our friendship picture!” Andrea shouted. “I did not! You did!” “I hate you!” “I hate you back!” I heard Ms. Hannah and Miss Daisy coming down the hall toward the art room. “Wait until you see how well A.J. and Andrea are working together,” Ms. Hannah said as they walked into the room. “You won’t believe your eyes.”