温馨有爱绘本《旋转木马》Carousel (附原文)

温馨有爱绘本《旋转木马》Carousel (附原文)

2016-01-17    05'58''

主播: Max冬冬

3372 66

The fair was coming at last. Every year it visited the little town where Rosie and her brother Tom lived. All the children ran out of the town to watch for the trucks that carried the fair. As dusk fell, the fair drove into town. The children cheered with joy. When they went to bed that night, they were so excited they could hardly sleep. The next day Rosie and Tom watched workers set up the fair. When all was ready, they raced to the carousel. That was the ride they loved best. Around and around they went. “I wish I could ride the carousel forever!” shouted Rosie. But after a few days the fair moved on to another town. The children were sad to see it go. “Don’t forget to come back next year,” called Rosie. That winter Rosie became ill, and the doctor was called. He examined Rosie carefully and said that she would have to stay in bed until her fever was gone. Spring came, but Rosie was still sick, and she was very sad. “You will get well,” the doctor told her, “but it will take time.” To her parents he said, “You must cheer Rosie up and give her hope.” Tom overheard what the doctor said and had an idea. He went to find Rosie’s friends. “We must cheer Rosie up,” Tom said, “and give her hope.” Then they all threw a coin in the fountain and made a wish. Tom went home and emptied his piggy bank. Then he went to the toy shop. The next afternoon Rosie’s friends came to see her. Each friend had made a picture for Rosie. “Cheer up, Rosie,” they all said. “Please get well soon.” And they unrolled their pictures. “Oh, what beautiful paintings,” said Rosie. “All my favorite things to ride on the carousel!” And there were the snowflake, the wings of time, the kangaroo… the story chair, the unicorn, and the throne. “How I wish I could ride on them all right now!” Then Tom gave Rosie his present. It was a little carousel that went around and around and played a pretty tune. That night Rosie ran a high temperature. If only the carousel would come back, she thought as she was falling asleep. As her eyes closed, Rosie heard a voice. It came from the little carousel: “Step aboard and we will fly through the windows, through the sky. Let me swing you to and fro in a land of ice and snow.” With snowflakes falling everywhere, her fever fell in the cold night air. Then she rode the wings of time while listening to their soothing thyme: “Doctors come and doctors go, but time is the best medicine I know.” On she went, up through the air, riding on the story chair, to meet the friends from books she’s read each day as she lay sick in bed. Then safe aboard the kangaroo through the moonlit night she flew. In splendor she was carried high on a throne into the sky, toward the moon all shining bright on that magic, starry night. And galloping through the Milky Way she rode on freely toward the day. Then spinning, spinning round and round, through the night she tumbled down, falling… falling… falling… Bump! Rosie awoke, sprawled on the floor beside her bed. That morning the doctor came to see her. “Good heavens, Rosie, you look so much better!” he said. As the days passed, Rosie got stronger and stronger. The doctor came for the last time and told her she was completely well and could go out to play. Tom rushed out to tell Rosie’s friends. And as they waited by Rosie’s house to welcome her, the fair came back to town. Rosie and her friends watched the fair to go up. Then they raced to the carousel. Rosie rode on everything. “Thank you, carousel, thank you,” she said as she went around and around. This time when the fair left town Rosie was not sad, for she knew it was the carousel that had given her hope.