冬冬原创《混乱一日》A Day When Everything Went Wrong

冬冬原创《混乱一日》A Day When Everything Went Wrong

2016-05-20    02'21''

主播: Max冬冬

3794 43

A Day When Everything Went Wrong 英文创作:冬冬 中文翻译:冬爸 It was a frosty morning, Sunday, I think. I woke up with a drowsy blink. And I saw a book That was pink. I bent down to pick it up, well, what would I do? Out of nowhere into the window a bird flew! It knocked over my bookshelf and table, And my spaceship nightlight, too! The bird flew away as fast as could be, And made little chirping sounds as if saying, “tee-hee!” I picked up a rock from my private collection And said to myself, “Hey, I’ll shoot thee!” The little bird flew away, And I picked up my book, and thus started my day. I was putting on my spotted shirt, When I found out on it stuck a piece of blue clay. I got rid of it and ran to the sink— The little white one that was stained with ink. But I turned the faucet a little too hard, And, boy, I had a drink! There was water in one ear, For now it couldn’t hear! And it would take some time to get the water out. That was what I did fear. For breakfast we made great food, And after breakfast I went into the wood, I had a bad sprain in the trees, And now I was in a bad mood. We spent the afternoon at the pier, And twilight was here. Just then I fell into the lake, But I didn’t drop a tear! Finally it was time for bed, The painful memories would soon only be in my head. And now if you meet a guy who’s had a day like me, This story ought to keep them fed. 乱糟糟的一天 那是一个霜冻的早晨, 我记得是一个星期天。 睁开惺忪的睡眼, 一本粉红色的小书映入眼帘。 我弯腰捡起书本,(也不知自己要做甚), 突然,一只小鸟破窗而入,从天降临。 它撞上了书架,撞上了书桌, 又撞上了我航天飞船彩色的眼! 小鸟迅速起飞, 似乎在说,“呵呵,嘿嘿”。 我从私人珍藏里抓起一个石块, 心里说着:“看看,我要揍谁?!” 小鸟快速逃离, 我拿起书本,新的一天就这样开启。 我穿上一件带点点的衬衣, 却发现上面有一块蓝色的泥。 我弄掉泥巴,走近厨房里的洗碗池, 白白的洗碗池上却有着墨水的痕迹。 我打开水龙头,嗯,有点太用力, 天啊,水花溅了我一身,让我措手不及。 水花飞进 一只耳朵,这会儿它一点也听不见。 要把水弄出来真的需要不少时间, 这的确让我有点担心。 美美地吃完一顿早餐, 尔后来到一片树林。 脚踝扭伤,行走不便 这下真的有点伤心。 码头上消磨了午后时光, 很快迎来了华灯初上。 一不小心坠入湖中, 可我并没有泪波荡漾。 终于到了就寝的时间, 痛苦的经历只属于我一个人。 如果您偶遇一位和我一样的倒霉蛋儿, 我的故事一定会让他感到同病相怜。