冬冬原创 The Tale of the Lone Ranger 侠客传奇

冬冬原创 The Tale of the Lone Ranger 侠客传奇

2016-06-27    02'11''

主播: Max冬冬

1692 44

The Tale of the Lone Ranger 侠客传奇 作者:冬冬 翻译:冬爸 On a dark and stormy night That sent down a shiver of fright, A lone ranger was seeking For the kidnappers that were holding a light. The light sent out a dim glow, Which was hovering to and fro. The lone ranger thought to himself, Yes, I had to go! So, carrying his red-tasseled spear, With nothing at all to fear, He wandered into the bamboo forest, Not sure where they would appear. The lone ranger went deeper in, And in his chest was about to begin A thing so sad, It would break a heart made of tin. The kidnappers had taken his wife, The pearl of the lone ranger's life. She was found on a big rock, And in her chest was stabbed a knife. The lone ranger cried, tear after tear. But the feeling that dominated was nothing but fear. He didn&`&t know what he would do, With only her wife's soul that was near. He was angry, he felt pain. And nothing more than hopelessness he would gain. So, he tracked down the kidnappers, And plunged their chests with the big metal fang. But now all was gone. It's pointless to live along. So, he crashed into the big rock, And fell down with a bong. An elder found the two bodies huddled in one. The lone ranger's mission was done. A great funeral was held for these two. And on that day everyone's thoughts except for the lone ranger became none. The two souls were in heaven now, man and wife, And their lives were lifted up a trife. Everyone in the village, old and young, Remembered them all their life. 侠客传奇 漆黑的夜晚,大雨倾盆, 恐怖的颤栗,传遍远近。 侠客一人,四处奔走, 把手持火把的绑匪来找寻。 火把的光亮十分暗淡, 前后左右,忽明忽暗。 侠客一人,想了又想, 不能再犹豫,须马上就干。 于是,他手持红缨枪一杆, 毫不畏惧,浑身是胆。 他独自走进竹林深处, 却不知绑匪去向何边。 侠客兀自信步向前, 一股暗流涌入心间。 那种感觉撕肝裂肺, 铁石心肠也无法幸免。 绑匪掳走了他的爱人, 他的生命,他的甜心。 她的尸体横卧石上, 一把大刀插在胸前! 侠客见状,泪水涟涟, 恐惧之感传遍全身。 他胆战心惊,手足无措, 爱人的亡灵就在眼前。 他伤心欲绝,痛苦不堪, 无比绝望,十分愤懑。 他千方百计,找到绑匪, 提枪怒刺,胸穿魂断。 现下如今,仇怨已了, 形单影只,也是枉然。 柔情铁血,以头撞岩, 砰地一声,一命归天。 老叟发现两尸相伴, 侠客的使命完成已然。 隆重的葬礼为二人举行, 侠客的形象占据每个人的心田。 夫妻二人,灵魂升天, 生命的价值得到体现。 全村上下,男女老少, 世代将其铭记在心。