冬冬原创:The Magic Of The Tree 魔法树

冬冬原创:The Magic Of The Tree 魔法树

2016-07-31    02'29''

主播: Max冬冬

1144 31

英语原文:冬冬 翻译:冬爸 Near the beautiful pond where the moonlight shines, There is a crooked old pine. And this pine may not look like so much, But believe me the power inside it is quite divine. To unleash the tree's holy power, You'll have to find the mythical tower. And the door opens in a quite special way, You'll have to put glue on it for 60 hours. When you do what I say, And the door opens with a creak, You’ll see that the light in the tower is very weak. But when you go in you'll hear, in a flash, a sharp tweet. If you turn around, it’s courage you lack. If you do that, the floors will crack, And you'll fall into the abyss, and you can’t come back. What you have to do is simple, of course. You just stand on all fours. And the floor won’t crack. Then you close your eyes (like a sleeping horse!). Inside the second door more danger awaits. Inside it is a thing anyone hates. Green ooze on the walls, have you got what it takes? The thing you have to do is walk on your toes. The ooze will stir as you go. But don’t you panic, for you’ll be out of there in ten minutes or so. Now is the minute you’ve been waiting for. Inside the third room is a platform. On the platform is a jewel encrusted crown. Take it, and from that moment the magic of the tree will be born. But then, crumbling walls and creaking floors! Run for the door! And when you go out of the first room, you’ll find a fan and a belt on the floor. Grab them and get out. Run, run, and run until your back is sore. But the castle is coming down! You have to help! But do not yelp. Just slap it with the belt and fan it three times. Will it work? It will. 皎洁的月光 洒在美丽的池塘之上, 一颗老松树 歪歪扭扭地站在一旁。 老松树看上去 别无两样, 不过,请相信我, 它神奇的魔力却超出所有人的想象。 可是,要想释放 老松树的神奇力量, 就必须找到同样神奇的 屋塔房。 屋塔房的门和平常的门不大一样, 要想打开, 需要将胶水涂抹其上, 请耐心等待, 需要60个小时以上。 请按我说的去做吧。 随着吱扭一声响, 大门洞开, 里面透出黯淡的灯光。 走进屋塔房, 小鸟的尖叫声突然间传到耳旁。 如果你抽身离开, 说明你缺乏勇气和力量, 脚下的地板也会把嘴巴大张, 你将坠入深渊万丈, 永世不得重见天光。 其实,方法很简单。 请弯曲身体, 将四肢着地, 闭上双眼,屏住呼吸, 正如睡梦中的马匹, 脚下的地板 不会出现一丝缝隙。 进入第二道门, 等待你的是新的危险。 门的后面, 有一种东西,谁也不想遇见。 墙上渗出绿色的粘液, 噢,此时你是否有一颗勇敢的心? 你必须踮起脚尖, 慢慢行走, 绿色的粘液也会跟在后头。 不过,切莫惊慌, 10分钟以后, 你会离开那里,安然无恙。 现在到了梦寐以求的时刻! 第三道门进入目光。 门里边有一个平台, 平台之上, 有一个镶满珠宝的王冠。 快快拿起王冠, 松树的魔法立刻显现。 突然间, 墙倒地陷, 快快离开, 跑向门边。 当你终于逃出了第一道门, 一把羽扇和一条带子会映入眼帘。 捡起带子, 拿起羽扇, 快快跑开,逃命要紧。 可是,城堡就要坍塌在眼前。 不要惊叫, 快伸手救援。 拿出带子,击打塔身, 拿出羽扇,连扇三遍。 你可能要问, 此法当真? 大树的魔法, 绝非一般。