冬冬原创:The Things You Can Ask 问

冬冬原创:The Things You Can Ask 问

2016-08-23    01'10''

主播: Max冬冬

1040 20

The Things You Can Ask Why is the path to the moon so far? Why is the night sky filled with stars? The things you can ask, they are endless, you see, You can ask about horses or bats or cars! You can ask about cliffs or an old house, You can ask about a cat or a mouse. You can ask about tropical islands, Or a lady wearing a blouse. You can ask about caves up on the mountain, Or the angels that squirt water in the fountain. You can ask about cowboys, There are so many things, I wouldn't be countin’! You can ask about trees, tigers, too, You can ask about me and mango fruits. There are a lot of things to think about! What will you do? Now remember this by heart: Think more and you'll be more smart! Well, I've got to go, For I've already done my part! 到达月球的路途为何如此遥远? 深邃的夜空上面为何繁星点点? 骡马、轿车,蝙蝠,究竟是怎么回事? 你大脑里的疑问一定上万成千!—— 悬崖、古宅, 猫和老鼠, 穿罩衫的女子, 热带岛屿, 山上的洞穴, 还有池中喷水的天使; 你也许想知道 牛仔的传奇故事; 要问的东西实在太多, 无论如何不能一一列举。 你可能想知道, 树木、老虎, 也可能想知道 芒果和我。 要问的问题 不可胜数, 你究竟打算 如何应付? 不过,下面一点, 请铭记在心: 疑问越多, 大脑越机敏。 就到这儿吧, 我要告辞; 我的任务 已经落实。