冬冬原创:The Pirate Song 海盗之歌

冬冬原创:The Pirate Song 海盗之歌

2016-09-11    01'12''

主播: Max冬冬

1329 18

With the morning breeze Comes a slight wheeze Of the smell of the seas. I, with my hook and my patch and my beard, Rule Big's Reef. To everyone, that's clear. But one day came another pirate, and, boy, was he fierce! He goes by the name of Hades, that's what I've heard. And he fired at my ship without saying a word. And his crew ran aboard my ship like an animal herd! I grabbed him and yelled: OH MY!! How could you do such a thing?! What trouble to my crew you bring! Now start repairing!!!" And he and his crew fixed the hole in my ship -- The three-meter hole he ripped. They became my slaves without saying a bit. And now good news I bring. I'm the undisputed king In the seven seas and everything. 晨风送来海水的味道。 我, 一个钩子手, 一个黑眼罩, 一把黑胡子, 统治着偌大一个石礁! 这个事儿, 没人不知道。 可是,有一天, 来了另一个海盗。 噢,天哪, 他是那么的桀骜凶暴! 地狱阎王 是他的大号。 江湖上都这么叫。 他二话不说, 就朝着我的船开炮。 他的手下登上船来, 像一群动物, 上蹿下跳。 我抓住海盗, 厉声喝道: 我的天哪! 说说,你干嘛对我来这一招?! 看,你给我带来了多大的麻烦! 你真是罪恶滔滔! 快, 快快给我, 把船修好! 他和他的手下, 把洞补好。 那个洞啊,上下足有三米多高。 干完活, 啥也没说, 一个一个被我活捉。 顺便告诉大家 好消息一个: 我因此成了 四海之内、 波涛之上, 毫无争议的海盗大王。