冬冬原创 Max and His Scariest, Weirdest, Best Halloween

冬冬原创 Max and His Scariest, Weirdest, Best Halloween

2016-10-30    03'34''

主播: Max冬冬

1751 30

The last day of October, My favorite day of the year, It’s approaching, it’s closer, It’s finally here! I got into my costume, A monster with tangerine ears. Then I grabbed my fake club. I was a monster that everybody fears. I went down Maple Avenue, And then turned into Starlight Street. A bunch of teenagers were singing. I was getting into the Halloween beat! For thirty minutes I paced. At the haunted house I did arrive, The brand new haunted house That was standing on Cherry Drive. I promptly bought a ticket. 2.99 dollars, if you ask me, pretty cheap. I just stepped in When I heard something slither and creep. I cried, "Awesome sound effects!” “How much effort did it take!” But I saw a fat mouse running, And behind it was a spotted snake. I tip-toed past the creatures. The snake was really scary. I was thinking: Was the snake real? When I saw something tall and hairy. It turned its werewolf head. How it looked, I can’t tell you, not now. I was backing away slowly, For the werewolf let out a howl! I saw a door in the corner. So toward it I quickly ran. I went through the door. When I gasped "Oh, Man!” An actual sized vampire Was standing on a big ship’s deck. Before I knew anything, It swooped down on my neck! I quickly dodged my head. I didn't want a bite! I saw a trapdoor on the ground. So I sprinted with all my might. I went down the ladder, And I saw a spider hanging from the roof. It was gigantic, and it knocked me to the ground, I cried out, "Oof!” I held my club with my eyes closed, And smacked the spider’s head. It cracked apart, but there was no blood. Sweets came out instead! I grabbed as many as I could hold, And those sweets were able to last a week! I stood up and looked around. The exit I did seek. I saw an opening, And I saw the exit sign. I hopped out of the building. And when I got home I did dine! I finished my meal, Which was cooked by my mother dear. “The last day of October,” I wrote, “My favorite day of the year......” 麦克斯度过的最可怕、最诡异、最美好的万圣节 十月的最后一天, 这是我一年中最喜欢的一天, 越来越近,越来越近, 这一天终于来临。 我穿上自己的鬼装, 那是一个长着橘子耳朵的魔怪。 我拎起仿真棍棒, 变成了一个人人害怕的魔怪。 我沿着枫叶大街, 拐进星光大道, 一群少年在高唱, 我也加入了万圣节的欢叫。 走了30分钟, 来到一个鬼宅, 它坐落在樱花车道, 一个新崭崭的鬼宅。 我迅速买了门票, 2.99美元,你可别说,票价真的不高。 我径直走了进去, 听到什么东西在蠕动,在滑跑。 “音效真的逼真!”我随口说道。 “那得费多少功夫才能弄好?” 可是,我看到的是一只硕鼠在跑, 后面追着斑点蛇一条。 我踮起脚尖从它们身边经过, 那蛇的样子十分凶恶。 难道是真蛇不成?想着想着, 我看到了一个毛茸茸的大家伙。 它转动着狼人的头颅, 它的具体模样?我现在也说不清楚。 它仰头嚎叫一声, 我赶紧退后几步。 角落上有一道门, 我朝着它拼命狂奔。 穿过那道角门, 我大喊一声;“噢,我的天!” 一个实际大小的吸血鬼 站在一艘船的甲板上。 说时迟那时快, 它猛地跃起,落到我的脖子上。 我赶快把头闪到一旁, 我可不想让它咬伤。 此时,我看到了一个地板门, 便使出浑身解数,迅速逃遁。 我很麻利地趴下梯子, 却看到一个蜘蛛挂在天花板中央。 巨大的蜘蛛猛地一下把我撞到了地板上。 我大喊一声:“这下够呛!” 我双目紧闭,拿出棍棒, 雨点一般打在蜘蛛头上。 蜘蛛的头裂成两半,却不见血液往外流淌。 头颅里流出来的是糖,是糖,是糖! 我抓起糖块,不遗余力, 这些糖块足够我吃一个星期。 我站起身来,四下一瞧, 急急忙忙把出口寻找。 我看到了出口, 我看到了指示牌, 我蹦蹦跳跳从大楼里出来。 回到家里,胃口大开。 很快吃完 妈妈亲手烹制的饭菜。 于是,我随手写道:“十月的最后一天, 这是我一年中最喜欢的一天……”